Australian discography

Australian albums
UPDATED April 2024
Australian singles
UPDATED March 2024
RCA album label styles
RCA single label styles
RCA single sleeve styles
RCA Catalogues

Index of RCA releases 1973-1990 (Excel document)

The Discography contains all ABBA records released in Australia by RCA, PolyGram, and Universal Music, through local music stores or online sources, including those made overseas but available locally. Also included are records imported directly through major chain stores (e.g. Brashs, Sanity, HMV, Virgin Megastore, JB Hi-Fi), but not individual imports by independent stores.

It also includes details of all the label and sleeve variations for ABBA records released by RCA between 1972 and 1988.

Release dates, reissue dates, and dates items were discontinued (no longer available from the distributor) are listed where known. All remaining RCA issues were discontinued circa 1989/90.


More is to come, including video releases, solo albums and singles, and the history of ABBA in Australia.

Thanks to Roxanne Dickson, Gavin Dunning, David Fyfe, Anthony Harrison, Glenn Reimer, Luke Rogers, Andreas Seiler, Warwick Sharpin, ABBA Fanatic, ABBA for the record, ABBAMANIA AUSTRALIA, ABBA On CD, Australian Record Labels, Discogs, 45cat, ebay, Australian Chart Book 1970-1992, The Book: Top 40 Research, ABBA Charts for assistance in compiling this discography